10th EARSeL SIG Workshop on Coastal Zones
Coastal regions, including inland and land/ocean interfaces, are complex environments where geological, biological, and physical processes interact with each other and are particularly vulnerable to climatic and anthropogenic forcings. Several coastal areas have been facing persistent land modification due to human interventions and natural disasters and environmental degradation caused by the presence of polluted river run-offs that dramatically changes the coastal ecosystem. The intensification of extreme events induced by global warming poses serious risk with substantial environmental/economic consequences and prompts the need to monitor and study the status and variability of the coastal zone.
Remotely sensed data from satellite, aircraft and vessel allows for continuous observation of the status and processes of terrestrial/coastal systems over a variety of spatio-temporal scales and greatly enhance our understanding of the climate systems and its variation.
The workshop is aimed to improve the current state of knowledge on the coastal system environmental processes through remote sensing monitoring and to provide relevant information to decision makers for coastal zone management and adapting/mitigating strategies.
In particular, the workshop will promote the exploitation of satellite products that characterize and quantify natural and human-made effects on coastal ecosystems, as well as innovative remote sensing algorithms and methodologies.

List of topics (suggested but not limited to):
- Active and passive remote sensing of bio-optical and hydrological properties of coastal waters
- Extreme events affecting the coastal environment
- Effects of natural/anthropogenic forcings on morphodynamics
- Development/implementation of satellite algorithms for the retrieval of water quality and terrestrial parameters
- Development of new remote sensing technologies and advances in in-situ optical instrumentation
- Cal/val activities of remote sensing time series
- Ocean Colour products
- In-situ/ground based measurements and further evaluation/comparison with satellite data
- Florinda Artuso, ENEA (Italian National Agency of New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Developement), Frascati (RM)-Italy, florinda.artuso@enea.it
- Federico Angelini, ENEA, Frascati (RM)-Italy, federico.angelini@enea.it
- Annalisa Di Cicco, CNR (Italian National Research Council) – Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR), Rome-Italy, email: annalisa.dicicco@artov.ismar.cnr.it
- Salvatore Marullo, CNR, Rome-Italy, email: salvatore.marullo@artov.ismar.cnr.it
Scientific Committee
- Federico Angelini, ENEA, Frascati (RM)-Italy
- Florinda Artuso, ENEA, Frascati (RM)-Italy
- Elisabetta Canuti, JRC, Ispra-Italy
- Francesco Colao, ENEA, Frascati (RM)-Italy
- Annalisa Di Cicco, CNR, Rome-Italy
- Federico Falcini, CNR, Rome-Italy
- Luca Fiorani, ENEA, Frascati (RM)- Italy
- Salvatore Marullo, CNR, Rome-Italy
- Jaime Pitarch Portero, CNR, Rome-Italy
- Marco Talone, CSIC, Spain
- Gianluca Volpe, CNR, Rome-Italy
Link to the SIG webpage: https://rs-cz.earsel.org/