Urban Systems & Resilient Cities

Feedback Loops and Complex Dynamics

“Urban Planet” describe today´s role of urban areas with urbanization as a process and opportunity for global sustainability. Cities are a key contributor to climate change, and responsible for more than 80% of the total CO2 emissions. Urban systems, which also encompass the urban “environment” far off the urban core, consist of many different actors with feedback loops and have large impacts for coupled Human Environment Systems. With regard to global sustainability, an understanding of urban processes and their dynamics are necessary..

The session will be guided by different case studies including e.g. natural or man-made hazards affecting the urban system as well as the assessment of dynamic feedback loops between urban and rural areas. With multi-sensor and multi-scale time series data, urban areas and their dynamics will be understood, to guide future planning of sustainable resilient cities. These include, monitoring and modelling of urban heat islands, 3D remote sensing, modelling approaches for disaster risk analysis and management in urban areas as well as the simulation of urban dynamics across scale. In line with the planetary boundaries framework, we further envision to address thresholds and tipping points of an urban systems leading to global impact.

List of Topics

  • Urban heat islands (UHI) effects
  • Air quality assessment
  • Risk and resilience of urban areas
  • Urban Development Dynamics
  • Urban and peri-urban ecological process modelling
  • Natural hazards
  • Urban Health
  • Urban Planning
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Nighttime Lights
  • 3D remote sensing


Dr Valerie Graw, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany Valerie.graw@rub.de          

Prof Dr Hüseyin Topan, Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, Turkey topan@beun.edu.tr

Link to the SIG webpage https://urs.earsel.org/